03. October 2008.
ELBA S.p.A. received very malicious rumours about intentions of ELBA autorities to stop with bag making machines production and company closing. The highest company management categoricly denies these kind of rumours, taking them as malicious and bad intentions pointed to ruin the company reputation which works for more than 52 years. These kind of informations are made to get commercial benefit to the persons and companies that spreads them. Company autorities, with all partners, associatives, colaborators and agents, started an action in the aim to find out the source of these informations and take legal actions against them.
TECNO PLASTIKA d.o.o. as part of sale-net of ELBA S.p.A. Company, joins these efforts with readyness to present one more time all our lines, to deliver catalogues of our lines and to invite you on OPEN HOUSE presentations, so all potential clients can see the real image of our company and the ''life'' inside.
Original document sent to all agents of ELBA S.p.A. in the world by ELBA's General manager Mr. Giovanni Luoni can be seen by clicking here.
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